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Invoice Financing

A working capital facility that provides flexible finance, which can grow in line with your own sales growth.

Invoice Financing

A working capital facility that provides flexible finance, which can grow in line with your own sales growth.

Term Loans

Low-cost flexible term loans dedicated to start-up and micro-enterprises

Term Loans

Low-cost flexible term loans dedicated to start-up and micro-enterprises

Growth and Sustainability Loan Scheme

A long-term low-cost scheme to support eligible businesses, including farmers and fishers, when investing in their growth and resilience or climate action and environmental sustainability.

SBCI and Bibby Financial Services Ireland launch €45 invoice financing fund for Irish SMEs

What We Do


SBCI sources €450 million in new funding to meet strong SME demand for low-cost loans

16 December 2016: The SBCI has obtained a further €450 million in funding to facilitate the growing demand for SBCI loans and bring its current funding capacity from its original €800 million to €1.25 billion.

SBCI Data Protection Statement

SBCI launches €150m low-cost loans for SMEs to cut their energy costs and reduce carbon emissions

SBCI launches €150m low-cost loans for SMEs to cut their energy costs and reduce carbon emissions

Enterprise Nation "Access to Finance: Invoice & Revenue-based finance" webinar

Enterprise Nation "Access to Finance: Invoice & Revenue-based finance" webinar