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Green Transition Finance

Flexible lending to support the green and sustainable transition of SMEs and Small Mid-Cap companies.

This loan product is being implemented in cooperation with the European Investment Fund (InvestEU Guarantee Programme) with majority funding support being provided by the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI).


Loans available to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) or Small Mid-Caps as defined by the EU Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC.

To be eligible for finance, businesses must be established in an EU Member State and operating in the Republic of Ireland.

In addition, the purpose of the loan must meet the eligibility criteria of the InvestEU SME and Small Mid-Cap Sustainability Guarantee Product.

You can check the eligibility criteria via this link https://sustainabilityguarantee.eif.org/ or contact BVP at www.bvp.ie

Loan Features:

Loans can be tailored to meet the needs of businesses investing in a sustainable future.

Businesses can qualify as eligible based on their operations under two main headings.

1. Companies that are already operating in sustainable manner

For example:

These examples are not exhaustive and there are others which may be more applicable to your business.

You can check the eligibility criteria via this link https://sustainabilityguarantee.eif.org/ or simply contact BVP directly at www.bvp.ie to discuss eligibility criteria, your business operations and your funding requirements.

2. Investments in green and sustainable projects and assets

For example:

These examples are not exhaustive and there are others which may be more applicable to your business.

You can check the eligibility criteria via this link https://sustainabilityguarantee.eif.org/ or simply contact BVP directly at www.bvp.ie to discuss eligibility criteria, your business operations and your funding requirements.

Contact BVP directly at www.bvp.ie to discuss eligibility criteria, your business operations and your funding requirements.

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  • Register and Sign in
  • Check your eligibility
  • Begin funding process with an SBCI partner

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