The SBCI’s strategy is grounded in its mission to “deliver effective financial supports to Irish SMEs and in time other sectors that address failures in the Irish credit market, while driving competition and innovation and ensuring the efficient use of available EU resources”.
The primary goal of the SBCI’s strategy is to deliver financial instruments to the SME market in Ireland, either directly or as a service provider, to address market failures in the provision of credit to SMEs. To achieve this goal the SBCI is adopting a phased market entry approach.
In order to achieve this mission, the SBCI has set a vision “to be a strong promotional financial institution that provides effective financial support for Irish SMEs and promotes the economic development of the State”. The SBCI has a vital role to play in restoring an effective and sustainable market for SME financing in Ireland and a wider role in the longer term as a conduit for State and European financing supports.
Vision: To be a strong promotional financial institution that provides effective financial support for Irish SMEs and promotes the economic development of the State.

During 2016 the SBCI progressed its phased market entry approach, building on phase 1 and progressing with phases 2 and 3 as follows:
- Phase 1: Delivering additional long-term low cost lending to SMEs through the principal banking institutions, Allied Irish Banks, Bank of Ireland and Ulster Bank.
- Phase 2: Providing additional credit to SMEs through a range of non-bank finance providers across a diverse range of products including asset finance, contract hire, invoice discounting and equipment leasing.
- Phase 3: Commencement of risk-sharing activities, including operation and management of the Credit Guarantee Scheme on behalf of the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation.