SBCI Covid-19 Loan Scheme

Eligibility Application Form

Primary Agriculture/Fishery

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Please note

  1. Applicants must first complete this Eligibility Application Form to check if they are eligible to apply for a loan under the SBCI Covid-19 Loan Scheme (STEP 1). Eligible applicants will receive an eligibility confirmation letter from the SBCI which they then need to present to their finance provider as part of the credit application (STEP 2).

  2. Confirmation of Scheme eligibility (STEP 1) does not confer credit approval. Approval of a loan under the SBCI Covid-19 Loan Scheme is at the discretion of the relevant finance provider only, following their internal credit process (STEP 2).

  3. This application form relates to certain eligibility criteria for the SBCI Covid-19 Loan Scheme. Other eligibility criteria set out in the terms and conditions of the SBCI Covid-19 Loan Scheme also apply (please check at

  4. This application form contains mandatory binding declarations regarding eligibility for this scheme. If a false or misleading declaration is made, or if false or misleading information is provided with this application, it may lead to a demand for repayment of any sums advanced under this scheme by the finance provider and to any State aid received being recovered with compound interest.

  5. All declarations and documentation may be audited by the European Commission and other bodies as part of periodic audits of European support schemes. Further details shall be provided in the terms and conditions to any loan made available under the SBCI Covid-19 Loan Scheme.

  6. The Covid-19 Loan Scheme is offered by the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) with the support of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE), the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group. The Covid-19 Loan Scheme benefits from a guarantee from the European Investment Fund (EIF).

Borrower Details

*(min 1 – max 499)
Company Registration No

Business Details


De Minimis Related Previous State Aid

I * an authorised agent of *(Borrower Name)

confirm that: * has received *

of De Minimis Aid within the last three years (the current and previous two fiscal years), details of which are as follows:

Date Received State aid Provider Amount(€)

Details of Previous State Aid Under the Temporary Framework

The Temporary Framework for State aid Measures to Support the Economy in the Current Covid-19 outbreak ("Temporary Framework") provided for a series of State aid measures that EU Member States can adopt to support business during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Aid under the Temporary Framework could be granted by public agencies such as County Enterprise Boards, Enterprise Ireland, Micro Finance Ireland or other agencies. The Government has implemented a number of measures under the Temporary Framework, the full list of which as at 4/7/22 is available here.


Has the Borrower previously received aid under any of the following measures:*

(a) The Covid-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme (“CCGS”);
(b) Schemes that Ireland approved under the Temporary Framework (see ANNEX for the list);
(c) The Temporary Framework;
(d) The EGF


If you have answered YES, please provide details of all State aid received by the Borrower, including details of the provider, and relevant scheme under which the State aid was granted and the amount of State aid you have received.

Date Received State Aid Provider Scheme under which State aid was granted Amount of State aid received under scheme (€)

If you have answered YES and previously received aid under the Temporary Framework, will the loan granted under the Covid-19 Loan Scheme fund the same investment as the aid previously received under the Temporary Framework:

Declarations in Respect of Temporary Framework and EGF

Please Tick

Eligibility Criteria

Covid-19 Related Criteria

Please Tick

Loan Type

Please Tick

Please Tick

Please Tick
If there is an element of re-finance in your loan, what percentage of the loan amount will be used for refinancing? (Please note that the scheme allows up to max 30% for the refinancing of an existing debt product)


Please Tick



* Mandatory fields

Please note: None of the information contained in this form is saved by the SBCI.

When completed, this form needs to be printed, signed and returned to us via email or post.


List of the Schemes Ireland has had approved under the Temporary Framework

Sa NumberTitleGranting AuthorityExpires
1.56845Repayable Advances Scheme Ireland.
This scheme was replaced with the scheme below
Enterprise Ireland & IDA Irelandn/a
2.57036Sustaining Enterprise Scheme
This scheme replaced the Repayable Advances Scheme (above)
Enterprise Ireland & IDA Ireland30.06.21
3.57453Scheme to facilitate COVID-19 relevant research and development, to support construction and upgrade of testing and upscaling facilities of COVID-19 relevant products and to support investments into the production of COVID-19 relevant productsIDA Ireland30.06.21
4.57465COVID-19 Credit Guarantee SchemeStrategic Banking Corporation of Ireland30.06.22
5.57509Irish Restart GrantEnterprise Ireland30.06.21
6.58214COVID-19 Adaptation Fund for the Re-Opening of Tourism and Hospitality businessesNational Tourism Development Authority30.06.21
7.58387Beef Finishers PaymentThe Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine30.06.21
8.58562Live Performance SchemeDepartment of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media30.06.21
9.58955Irish Coach Tourism SchemeFailte Ireland30.06.21
10.59719Ireland-Based Inbound Tourism Agents Business Continuity SchemeFailte Ireland30.06.21
11.61617Sustaining Enterprise Scheme
Amendment to SA.57036, as amended by SA. 58043
Enterprise Ireland & IDA Ireland31.12.21
12.59709COVID-19 - Aid to airport operatorsDepartment of Transport31.12.21
13.61236Tourism Business Continuity SchemeDepartment of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media31.12.21
14.62293Liquidity aid to beef farmersDepartment of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine31.12.21
15.62301Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC)Local Authorities31.12.21
16.63067COVID-19: Live Performance Support Scheme 2021Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media31.12.21
17. SA.63264 COVID-19: Regional Enterprise Transition Scheme Enterprise Ireland using funds made available by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment 31.12.21
18. SA.63009 COVID-19: Aid to Licensed Bus Operators Department of Transport 31.12.21
19. SA.64412 COVID-19: Events Sector Covid Support Scheme Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media 31.12.21
20. SA.100526 COVID-19: Commercial Entertainment Capital Grant Scheme Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media 30.06.22
21. SA 102557 COVID-19: Ireland - Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) Scheme Department of Health 30.06.22


TF SectionPurpose of aidPosition on cumulation
3.6Aid for Covid-19 relevant R&DYou may combine aid under 3.6 with support from other sources for the same eligible costs, provided the combined aid does not exceed the following:
  • The aid intensity (that is the gross amount of aid as a percentage of the eligible costs of the project) may cover 100% of eligible costs for fundamental research but may not exceed 80% of eligible costs for industrial research and experimental development; and
  • The aid intensity for industrial research and experimental development may be increased by 15%, if more than one Member State supports the research project, or it is carried out in cross-border collaboration with research organisations or other undertakings.
3.7Investment aid for testing and upscaling infrastructureIf you have received aid under 3.7 you may not combine it with other investment aid for the same eligible costs.  “Eligible costs” are the investment costs necessary for setting up the testing and upscaling infrastructures required to develop Covid-19 relevant products (vaccines, medicines, medical devices, PPE etc.).
3.8Investment aid for the production of Covid-19 relevant productsIf you have received aid under 3.8 you may not combine it with other investment aid for the same eligible cost.  “Eligible costs” relate to all investment costs necessary for the production of Covid-19 relevant products and to the costs of trial runs of the new production facilities.
3.10Aid to cover wage subsidies to avoid lay-offs during Covid-19You may combine wage subsidy with other generally available or selective employment support measures, provided the combined support does not lead to overcompensation of the wage costs of the personnel concerned. Wage subsidies may further be combined with tax deferrals and deferrals of social security payments.
3.12Aid to support uncovered fixed costsIf you have received aid under 3.9 you may not combine it with other aid for the same eligible costs (i.e. uncovered fixed costs).  “Uncovered fixed costs” are the fixed costs you incur during the eligible period which are not covered by the profit contribution (i.e. revenues minus variable costs) during the same period and which are not covered by other sources, such as insurance, temporary aid measures covered by the Temporary Framework or support from other sources.